Arts Off Broadway (AOB) is incorporated under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code as a non-profit corporation as of February 13, 2008. Donations are tax deductible. Instruction in the Art of self expression nurtures the development of practical skills for daily communication. Utilizing imagination to create images for problem solving and education in both Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) are programs that Arts Off Broadway (AOB) offers to expand the capacity for empathy, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of life.

Marie Verger, founder of Arts Off Broadway (AOB) , formally the President, CEO and Founder of Broadway Theatre Arts Academy (BTAA), had a vision to provide affordable arts experience and training. AOB provides enlightening theatre productions for the community to enjoy by encouraging strong ticket sales, community support, memberships and sponsorships so that every person who has a desire to participate in the arts has an opportunity to learn, create, and explore the arts.

Executive Board

Founding Director and Chairman:

Marie Verger
President and Executive Artistic Director: Lenka Juric
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer : Melissa Chilidonia


Arts Off Broadway Vision and Mission

Vision: Establish tools for the perpetual nurturing of positive self-expression through visual and performing Arts for future generations.

Our goal is to provide meaningful experiences for all ages to have exposure and opportunity to participate in the Arts for the purpose of elevating humanity. We aspire to have early learners discover individual artistic intelligence that culminates into a life long skill. The Theatric Circle of Ekphrasis is our ongoing project to inspire the creation of original works of art for both children, adults and every age in between. The additional focus of our endeavor is to build community alliances that establish collaborative creations, which culminate into a unique form of Musical Theatre that will enlighten, excite and educate the audience and community through performance. Providing artistic instruction and resources for primary and secondary school teachers through class activities, workshops or after school programs, will enhance and facilitate the development of self-esteem for our youth. The experiences will include comprehensive and structured multi cultural opportunities that will be presented in formats to explore the multi-dimensions of the many disciplines of the Art.


Arts Off Broadway’s mission is to contribute to the community through theatrical experiences by promoting education and interest in visual and performing arts:

  • providing opportunity for artistic growth for all ages;
  • providing artistic resources and instruction for primary and secondary school teachers;
  • promoting and inspiring local artists;
  • establishing forums for education and experience in visual and performing arts by producing theatrical plays, events and musicals;
  • encouraging and educating children, youth and adults in the aspects and disciplines of visual and performances arts;
  • increasing opportunities for all ages to participate in and understand the value of arts, while contributing to the personal development and self-esteem to all who are inspired by the arts.

An interesting, imaginative, educational and artistic program will provide the community a greater appreciation of visual and performing arts and contribute to the quality of life in the region.